Meet Goyanu, an artist who expresses his connection to the entirety in emotional and captivating productions

The Brazilian has just released the single “Luztopia” on the label he co-founded in Berlin, Laschian Records


Nicolle Prado


“We are not strangers” or “we are the same” is the meaning of the term that guides Goyanu‘s musical journey. His name comes from an indigenous community in the heart of Brazil called Goya, where he was born, which carries this community essence and inspires the artist. Multi-instrumentalist, producer, designer and live act, Leandro, the name behind the project, has been on this journey and it has led him to Berlin.

The artist began his career in production with live performances already in mind. Connected to the parties and festivals scene for almost two decades, he realized that he could add live instruments to his performances. From then on, his trajectory progressively developed, leading him to stand out on the national scene, mainly within the Downtempo and Organic House sonorities, and to thrive for new opportunities, since his debut album Origens in 2018. 

Even though he lives in Europe, his connections with Brazil remain strong in his artistic self. The artist has always been very connected to nature and energy, drawing inspiration from the Divine and ancestral sounds. These references are clearly seen in his sound, which incorporates a rich mix of musical instruments, recordings of sounds from nature and the environment, resulting in productions and performances that pulse gratitude and positivity. This is also present in his Psy Trance side project called Moonlight Burns.

His creative process is truly a unique experience, as he believes that an artist’s main source of inspiration lies within themselves: their own inner light. “It’s like a fusion, bossa nova, psychedelic rock over there, a bit of psy trance, samba, vocals and ancestral sounds. A blend of all the musical background I have”, he shared on his social networks. Organically, ideas emerge and Goyanu implements them in the production, but the concept is predefined. “I prefer to start with kick and bass, drums and with that rhythm, I start inserting melodies and vocals. I experiment with all the synthesizers I have in the studio, flutes, saxophone, guitar and acoustic guitar, percussion and even nature sounds“, he concludes.

Through this “creative methodology”, the Brazilian has built up a respectable catalog. The highlight is his first album, “Origens”, released in 2018 by Tropical Twista Records, which brought him international notoriety and the opportunity to perform in different parts of the world, such as Portugal, Spain, Germany, Mexico, Brazil and the United Kingdom.

And it is in this relevant position and connected to his essence that Goyanu enters 2024, starting the year with the single “Luztopia”, the fourth from his own label, Laschian Records. The production presents itself as an emotional and intimate sound journey, especially as it celebrates the life of his mother. As a result, the artist has chosen a deep atmosphere, made up of solid bass lines, transcendent melodies and heavenly vocals; in every detail you can see the artist’s soul and, most of all, all his love. 



Follow Goyanu on Instagram.