Exclusive Interview: JPattersson on his new label, recovery & more

Following the launch of his new label Trompa, HMWL caught up with JPattersson to discuss the debut single ‘Light’ alongside his musical journey so far and recent road to recovery following a surfing injury.


HMWL: Can you share a bit about your journey as a DJ and producer? What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

JPattersson: I love being on the road and immersing myself in different worlds. Every performance is connected with a journey, whether it’s far or short, whether it’s to Australia, Spain, Armenia, or just taking the train to Hamburg. Every stage, big or small, brings new experiences. Plus, you meet people who couldn’t be more different, yet in the end, everyone dances to a beat – or even better – to my beat. It’s an indescribable feeling that fuels my addiction to embark on new journeys, produce new music, and play it loud in front of many people. I’m fully aware of how privileged I am to have a passport that allows me to go almost anywhere and back again. However, I never come empty-handed.

HMWL: ‘Light’ is the debut single on your new label, Trompa. What inspired the creation of this track?

JPattersson: When stomping feet raise dust on the dancefloor, people close their eyes, smile contentedly, and sway their arms like seaweed above their heads while the sun casts its rays through the dusty air, a feeling of freedom emerges. ‘LIGHT’ is made precisely for these moments.

HMWL: Could you delve into the creative process behind ‘Light’? Any particular experiences or emotions that shaped its sound?

JPattersson: When producing in the studio, I like to let sounds evoke a mood and then start working from there. In this case, the sound came from my old friend Juno 60. The tone and warmth of this synthesizer just get under your skin. I started with the chord progression, which you can clearly hear in the break and at the end of the track, then added more small playful elements with the Moog, shimmering like light reflections through the mix. I wanted the track to have a strong energy, hence the powerful kick. And of course, a trumpet fanfare couldn’t be missing, heralding the arrival of the sun.

HMWL: What led to the decision to start your own label, Trompa Records?

JPattersson: The desire to do my own thing completely. I can now decide entirely on my own when and how my music comes out, what the artwork looks like, and who I collaborate with. I see Trompa as a small friendly record store around the corner, releasing lovingly crafted music by JPattersson at relaxed intervals.

HMWL: What does your studio setup look like, and how does it contribute to your creative workflow?

JPattersson: My studio is a bright, sun-drenched room under the roof. Two hammocks hang from the ceiling and flutter in the wind gently blowing through the skylights. At the moment, I can hear birds chirping and sometimes children screaming in the backyard or people shouting at each other. Too many options overwhelm me quickly, so I’m trying to downsize my gear. Nonetheless, there are a few treasures here that I can’t part with. When recording, I like to send tracks through analog effects and experiment with them. I don’t have many, but my Moog MF 104M and Roland RE202 offer plenty of possibilities.

HMWL: We heard about your recent injury. Firstly, how are you doing?

JPattersson: In short, I had a really serious injury while surfing. I was on my first small Australia tour in February and went surfing with nice people I met in Melbourne on the legendary Great Ocean Road. It was a beautiful day, but then the “last wave” threw me headfirst into a sandbank, narrowly avoiding breaking my neck. After a brief loss of consciousness, I woke up floating in the water and completely unable to move. It was very scary. I tried to call for help as soon as my head emerged from the water for seconds before the next wave came in. I was incredibly lucky that my friends noticed something was wrong from the beach after a few minutes and rescued me. If it weren’t for them and the professional helicopter rescue that followed, I would probably be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life or worse. Among other things, the result of this adventure was a double tear of my cervical spine. I’ve since undergone major surgery to stabilize my spine with implants, screws, and small plates. I’m not allowed to move my neck yet because everything needs to fuse together, but I’m feeling much better and looking forward optimistically.

HMWL: How has that affected your music-making process and your overall approach to your career?

JPattersson: So far, I’ve been more occupied with hospital stays, doctor visits, and sleeping than making music. Nevertheless, this accident and the weeks that followed have triggered many positive processes because suddenly there was time to organize thoughts, set new directions, and pursue bigger plans. Even though I still have to wear a neck brace for several more weeks and can’t move my neck yet, I prepare myself every day with a home trainer, vocal exercises, and a little trumpet practice to be back on stage soon!

HMWL: Can you share a bit about your journey to recovery and how it has impacted your perspective on your work?

JPattersson: My recovery so far has been characterized by hopes, great relief, and bitter setbacks. I’ll have to get used to the fact that I’ll never be able to move my neck again as before the accident. However, it’s hard to grasp the incredible luck I had to come out of this alive. That gives me a special strength and desire to keep going. I’m in a good mood and have new ideas. Life is beautiful!

HMWL: What can we expect from Trompa in the future? Any upcoming releases or projects you’re particularly excited about?

JPattersson: Throughout this year, a few hot singles will be released, and I plan to have an EP or maybe even a small album ready by next spring.

Keep up to date with JPattersson here and pick up a copy of ‘Light’ here.