Interview: UK House Rising Star Charlie Boon shares Debut Single with Another Rhythm

One of the most exciting names in the UK House scene, Charlie Boon – makes his debut on London house label Another Rhythm today. His new single “Feels” showcases his passion for upfront, emphatic ravey tunes. It’a a track that makes use of a catchy vocal section, with breaks and rave-style influences throughout. Speaking on the single he explains that he’s always “made quite rave influenced music really focussed on the club, but more recently I have started working with vocalists and bringing more emotion to the music. I have been really enjoying this new future garage tip when playing out so combined my ravey style with a slightly deeper vocal to create this new sonically direction.”

We catch Charlie in a purple patch of form. He’s just had debut shows at Glastonbury and Boardmasters – he’s looking towards a packed festival schedule for 2023 and we caught up with the talented artist..

Hi Charlie, let’s kick things off by telling people a little about your story of becoming a musician?

HEY!! Well… I started DJ’ing fairly young… I grew up above my Dads nightclub from 6 months old for first few years of my life so I’ve always been around electronic music. I started collecting records and mixing vinyl (badly) on my Dad’s turntables when when I was about 16,  then started playing his bar in St Ives when I was about 18.. from then I started to learn to produce and started making more bass influenced bits releasing on a few labels over a number of years as Crawford, then covid hit and I shook up my sound and started making more house / techno and I started the Charlie Boon alias (my birth name). I released a few bits and then the one that really resonated with people was my first collaboration with Drag Artist Rileasa Slaves, we put out the record on Part 4, not thinking that too much was going to happen and we ending up getting a load of radio 1 play and was all quite crazy!!

It’s a beautiful part of the world St Ives – Did you find there was much of a music scene growing up or did you always feel you’d have to move elsewhere?

It’s so beautiful! There wasn’t much going on to be honest, I missed the glory years of there being 4/5 nightclubs in St Ives in the late 90’s, also had an amazing rave scene in Cornwall. There was a few bits going on, like Masked Ball and Love Riots but we didn’t have a lot to get excited about, I knew I needed to get out Cornwall ASAP if I wanted to give it a good go, I went to Uni in Bristol and moved to London in 2019!

Since then you’ve played up and down the country as well as abroad.. What’s been your biggest moment so far?

In 2021, I was meant to be playing super early on The Point stage at Boardmasters, crazy stage with the sea as the backdrop, anyway on the morning of the show I got a text from my manager saying Gerd janson has pulled out and they’re putting you in that slot… It was crazy, sun was setting, parents side of stage, all my pals, LOADS of people… A memory I’ll cherish forever for sure.

Your catalog as an artist is still relatively small – only a few tracks in, would you say you prefer DJ’ing or being in the studio?

I LOVE DJ’ING!!!! It’s literally everything to me, there’s no buzz quite like it to be honest. I could literally play 7 times a week and I’d still being buzzing haha. I’ve always said that I don’t love the studio that much as I LOVE being around people and producing can be very lonely some times…  but as I’ve started to collaborate more I’ve become more obsessed with being in the studio as much as I can!

Talk to us a little about your production setup?

I spent a lot of my early years of producing buying synths, drum machines pedals… BUTTT I’ve actually sold all of my hardware now as I came to realise that working in box is so much much quicker and my workflow now is 10x better! I also love the fact that I can be sat on my kitchen table making a record and don’t have to be confined to one space. I mean one day I’d love to have a big fancy studio, but right now… It’s just me, my computer and some lovely plug ins.

How did the new single “Feels” come about? And how did Another Rhythm come on board?

I have always made quite upfront ravey music and feels was one of my first goes at using a vocalist that was singing on a track. I guess this is a hybrid of the ravey sounds combined with a really lovely vocal, a slightly more emotional record than I would usually make, works great in the club though. Another Rhythm picked it up via my manager and here we are! Seems like the perfect place for the record!

Anything we can look forward to from you over the summer?

Back playing Ibiza in July!!! Boardmasters, Nass and few other unannounced shows to look forward too!!

Listen to “Feels” below

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