Italian duo Undercatt elegantly dusts of the 2009 pop song Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap. Originally released on Korda Marshall’s Infectious Music (home of Alt-J, Drenge, Local Natives, These New Puritans, Cloud Control) the track gets a 2016-ready rework for those euphoric feelings on any dancefloor. Released on Dyinamic sublabel 2DIY4 the track beautifully injects the pop genes into another future dancefloor classic. Great to see Diynamic heading the trend where dance music become less strict and more cross-genre influenced in 2016. That’s exactly what we are up to here at HMWL as well, in fact the first vocal note in Undercatt remix reminds me so much of Andrew Montgommery’s voice that I first thought this was a new CANVAS remix hitting our demo inbox.