Manse – A Slap In The Face Of Public Taste [Lobster Theremin]


Like the title says, this is definitely a slap in the face of the public taste. In other words, not for everyone.
If there is one thing that can be said about Lobster Theremin, it is that they are always on point with their label output.
This Manse release is, sorry for the cheese, pure unadulterated.

If you’re into distorted and dub sounding music that makes you feel like you’re in a warehouse that is about to come tumbling down, this EP is for you. If you however lean more towards being a public taste person you will probably feel like getting slapped in the face. Whether that is good or not I’m not going to comment on.

This EP is out 10 April.
You should probably go and get it.

About Alex Esser:

DJ, surfer and entrepreneur residing in Malmö, Sweden. HMWL label daddy. My music network is always open. Holler at