Gidge – Autumn Bells [Atomnation September 23]

    Ludvig Stolterman & Jonatan Nilson are releasing debut album, Autumn Bells, this fall

In the north of Sweden there grows a certain herb called Rubus chamaemorus. Up until the 60’s the berries from this herb, called cloudberries, was an important source of money for those who lived there. Still the small, slow growing berry is referred to as the gold of the mire.

Swedish duo Gidge is the mire that grows these drops of gold. The productions are delicate, created with precision and with a clear voice speaking right from the heart of the swedish north. It is the sound of windswept tundras and great forests, crisp air and wondrous views.

Jonatan Nilsson and Ludvig Stolterman has now announced the the release of their first album. Autumn Bells is issued this fall on growing imprint Atomnation, founded by Applescal.

Latest release “Norrland” is the final track of the album. It includes sampled cranes, rattling bones and a quirky trumpet that creates that impending feeling of solitary melancholy that was constantly present when I was walking in the Swedish mountains a month ago. That made me realize that this is the perfect soundtrack of the swedish north.


01 Fauna, Pt 1
02 You
03 I Fell In Love
04 Rest
05 Dusk
06 Fauna, Pt 2
07 Huldra
08 Growth
09 Norrland

34 posts

About Bjorn Widmark:

Writing about all things bassline, but I'm mostly about telling stories. Portraying and exploring the depth and width of electronic music. Talk to me: @bjrnwidmark /