Tandem Sky Vs Tiger Stripes – Solid Air [SOUNDZ September 2nd]

Solid Air was originally written in 1973 by the legendary Scottish singer and songwriter John Martyn. It’s a personal favourite of Weeping Willows singer Magnus Carlson, so together with his Tandem Sky partner Mikael Nordgren (aka Tiger Stripes) they took on the challenge to make a cover version, and transform it into a banging club tune.

The main mix is characterized by Carlson’s melancholic vocals and the crisp production skills of Tiger Stripes. The throbbing bassline goes very well together with the beautifully crafted melodies, and the track succeeds in pleasing the dance floor as well as the more casual listener.

Chicago based Tevo Howard was invited for the remix duty, which he fulfills well. He delivers a deeper version that offers a more underground feel while maintaining the melodic vibe of the main mix. Howard has created a remix that lacks a solid kick drum, but instead creates an interesting, dreamy interpretation that fits nicely together with Magnus Carlson’s vocals.

About Alex Esser:

DJ, surfer and entrepreneur residing in Malmö, Sweden. HMWL label daddy. My music network is always open. Holler at alex@hmwl.org