Rich and rhythmic. That’s all you need to know about this EP from Acumen. Ok, I guess I could use a few more words to sum this plump release up with.
The title track is by far the brightest and friendliest offering. Instrumentally and tonally rich, the track uses layers of synths and a number of vocal samplings to develop an ensemble of sounds that slowly build, peak, and digress smoothly.
A personal favorite, Matthias Meyer takes over remixing duties of “Between The Lines.“. In an almost 9 minute affair, Meyer brings his usual melancholic house flavor and couples it with Acumen’s layered synth sandwich. The result is a beautiful mix of constant rhythm, echoing tones, and hypnotic groove.
The EP’s final track, “Charlotte on The Rooftop,” is a stark contrast to the rest of the release. A thumping, grooving, beat machine, the track lures you in with a funky tribal house beat. As it progresses, the track builds into a deep and mesmeric array of tribal sound. This track caught me by surprise and ended up being one of the most memorable.
This is a solid release from label boss Acumen. Word has it that he is currently working on a live show. If so, we’re in for a treat.