Hi there folks, I’m not quite sure about how many of you recognize my name, THENINJAASSASSINATOROFDOOM – but I’m the owner of the former blog “Gobananaz!” which made up quite a stir. The blog is gone now, but if any of my ex-readers are hanging here, this is a holla to you guys.
I’m back here at HMWL to once in a while post about some of the stuff that I like! As you know, HMWL is a 100% legal blog which renders me unable to run things the same way I formerly did, but I’ll try to do it the best I can 🙂
Let’s do this then. I’m pretty keen to introduce the latest installment of a label that has released very uninteresting things for the last ten or so releases (with the exception of the Pan-Pot – Confronted EP). Regardless of what your attitude towards Mobilee is today, this latest release by Dan Curtin triggered me in a positive way. Some hardcore fans might hate on the Madskillz remix, but I find it appealing since it somehow differs from the regular dutch sound that Anton Pieete and the whole 2000 and one gang has been doing lately. The release is a teaser for the upcoming Dan Curtin album that is due to come out soon, whether or not to be excited? That is the question. Since the “Others” release on mobilee last year I haven’t been to excited by Dan’s work, but this just might change things.
Dan Curtin – Mr. Bean Do An E – mobilee064 by Mobilee records
Lets move on to what I’ve been listening to while I was writing this: a live set by Swedish “Sasse” in Sydney, Australia. This is a pretty melodic yourney for those of you who enjoy it.
Sasse Co-Op, Sydney Feb 5th – Pt 1 by sasse
To all of you who wish to contact me, please click the “contact” button here at the top menu. I don’t care if it’s a rant or not, just holla 🙂