Alright folks, the moment you’ve been waiting for is here. House Music With Love goes WEB 3.0 No need to give us too many creds on the new design, we know that it’s uber-fucking-fantastic. Without further jibberish let’s get down to music.
We’ve been saving some heavy case promos for the launch of the new site. Apache Records is a small french record label that released some cult 12″s back in 2004. The vinyls were extensively spinned by Roger Sanchez, Marting Solveig and some other huge DJs. The craziest thing is that these tracks never ever ever ever were released in mp3 format. This is a world premier:
Eternal Life – We Take A Beat (Apache Records)
Eternal Life – Falling in Love again (Apache Records)
Apache Records @ Myspace
Neveridol @ Myspace <–Their new promising project
Huge thanks to Fredrik at Gevolve for the fresh design and also to Arnaud at Apache Records for the entire catalogue.
So how do you like the new layout?
Skyjacker 3.0