HMWL Podcast #7

Welcome to yet another saturday sparkling with life and love. Erhm..well, yeah.

Anyways, mixtapes are good for your health, no argue there; especially really good mixtapes, such as those from out podcast series. Lucky you (and us), here is another one, number se7en. It is mixed by Fantastic Floor, which consists of J. Mortin & K. Müller (i.e. me and a really hot friend). I know the information flow about Fantastic Floor has been quite sparse, but you will definitely hear more about and from us here. (Psst, secret: the record company run by some of my own favorite artists has shown interest. Oooo!) You will clearly know more soon!

Anyways, mixset. Awesome! Spectacular! Enjoy!

Hmwl Podcast 7

House Music With Love Podcast #7

1. Extrawelt – Mit Liese Auf Der Wiese (Max Cooper’s Melt Remix)

2. Pole Folder – Hollow (Pole Folder’s Bondi Junction Mix)

3. Eelke Kleijn & Francesco Pico – On The Fly (Original Mix)

4. Way Out West – Only Love (Jerome Isma-Ae Dub Remix)

5. Paul Harris – The Take (Sultan & Ned Shepard Dub Mix)

6. Erphun – 2wo Butterflies (Quivver Remix)

7. Cirez D – On Off (Original Mix)

8. Neil Quigley – That Whole Thing (Original Mix)

9. Quivver – Rumble-Trunks (Original Mix)

10. Dakota – Chinook (Afterhours Mix)

11. 16 Bit Lolitas – Nobody Seems to Care (Original Mix)

Problems with Podcast? – Mp3 version here.

/Ridge F

About Alex Esser:

DJ, surfer and entrepreneur residing in Malmö, Sweden. HMWL label daddy. My music network is always open. Holler at