Gregor Tresher’s New album, Free track and 2x Vinyl Giveaway


Mr Head Honcho of European techno – Gregor Tresher passed through our beloved city of Malmö 2 weeks ago, leaving nothing but burn-marks on the walls of our favorite club and a promo copy of his fresh-out-of-the-studio album in our mailbox.

The new album is a sweet blend of laidback, suggestive techno, make-you-sweat club tracks and a couple of vocal expeditions into Gregor’s song-writing skills.  Here is Escape to Amsterdam – a free track that goes straight down into our dj-case under “3 a.m. and onward” category.

Gregor Tresher – Escape to Amsterdam (320 kbps)

The Life Wire is out on Gregor’s own label Break New Soil September the 21.

We are proud to give away one of each The Life Wire vinyls

The Life Wire pt1

Gregor Tresher – The Life Wire Part 1

A1. Escape to Amsterdam
A2. The Life Wire
B1. The Life Wire (Peter Dundov Variation)

The Life Wire Pt2

Gregor Tresher – The Life Wire Part 2

A1: Awaking Life Inside
A2: Plutonian shores
B1: The life wire (martinez remix)

All you have to do is to drop a short email to competition[at] containing:

  1. The name of Gregor Treshor’s previous full studio album
  2. Your best party photo from Summer 2009 (might get published)
  3. Which of the two releases above you prefer to get your dirty hands on

Competition ends Monday, 5th of October.

Good luck!

//Skyjacker and Ridge F

P.S. Huge thanks to the guys at Great Stuff!

About Alex Esser:

DJ, surfer and entrepreneur residing in Malmö, Sweden. HMWL label daddy. My music network is always open. Holler at